News and Updates
We want to help you be successful and make full use of the CasaManager products and services. To that end, we developed a broader platform to share tips and other useful information to our clients. Our goal is to publish once a week to this space. We would love to hear your ideas for topics you’d like to share or learn more about, please send us a note.
CasaManager Release v18.0.36
Release Notes with More Details Many of you requested more detailed release notes, so we've made them clearer and more specific in this update. We understand that not everyone needs extensive details, so we've kept the descriptions brief and to the point. If you need...
It’s That Time of Year Again!
National CASA/GAL 6-Month and Annual Surveys are coming due! Many of you have already completed your 6-month survey (good job!) If you haven’t, remember that you have an amazing wizard available to help you easily find and fix missing or bad data before you upload...
New A to Z Training Registration is Open!
The wait is finally over! I have scheduled an all new, all updated A to Z training series! Attend any or all of the sessions, based on your needs and job responsibilities in your agency. Here are the registration links for each session. All sessions begin at 11:00 AM...
We Have Some Big Announcements This Month!
Welcome Back Alison Kravchuk After an 8 year hiatus, Alison has re-joined the CasaManager team as the Director of Strategic Partnerships. Alison has an extensive history in non-profit fundraising and organizational behavior. If your program is looking to learn more...
CasaManager Release v18.0.35
CasaManager Issues Updated 0003535: [Child] Child AKA Field (kevinl) 0003534: [Volunteers] Volunteer Certificate Printing (kevinl) 0003533: [Reports] Performance Report - Print (kevinl) 0003532: [Reports] NCASA/GAL 6 Month Report Updated for Jul-Dec 2024 (kevinl)...
Happy New Year 2025!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing you a prosperous and impactful New Year! May 2025 bring new opportunities for service, growth, and positive change in the community you so passionately serve. Happy New Year from all of us at CasaManager!